Money Empire

Buying bank wealth management is not easy to lose money?


Bank wealth management is a relatively stable financial product, and the probability of loss is usually relatively small. However, after the transformation of bank wealth management, it seems to have become more prone to losses. So, if you want to buy bank wealth management, how can you avoid losing money easily?
How can bank wealth management not easily lose money?
After the transformation, bank wealth management has all become non principal and interest bearing products, so theoretically, any bank wealth management may suffer losses. In addition, after the transformation of bank wealth management to net worth wealth management, the fluctuation of net worth also makes bank wealth management more prone to losses. If you want to avoid losing easily, you can buy in the following ways.
Firstly, do not seek high returns. At present, not all bank wealth management products are robust. There are a few equity bank wealth management products, which are non robust products with high returns and risks.
The so-called equity bank financing refers to bank financing that can invest in the stock market. These bank financial products may have the opportunity to achieve higher returns when the stock market performs well, but they are also prone to losses when the stock market is not good.
For example, a equity bank under a certain bank's financial management has a maximum loss margin of over 50%.
So, if you don't want to buy bank wealth management, you will lose money, and first of all, you can't pursue high returns. The more opportunities there are to obtain high-yield bank financing, the more likely it is to lose money.
Of course, it does not mean that buying a bank with low returns for financial management has a lower likelihood of loss, and it also depends on the level of risk in the bank's financial management.
For example, for two banks with similar returns, one with a risk level of R1 and the other with a risk level of R2, the former has a lower likelihood of losses than the latter.
Secondly, it is best to buy products with a long term. After converting bank wealth management to net worth products, fluctuations in net worth will make it more prone to losses in the short term.
As a net worth type of wealth management, the income depends on the rise and fall of net worth, and in the short term, the net worth of wealth management products is likely to rise and fall. So, even medium to low risk bank wealth management may experience losses in the short term.
However, as long as it is a stable bank financial management, the probability of long-term losses is relatively small. Because the investment targets of prudent financial management are mostly assets with fixed interest rates, such as bonds, as long as they are not hit by lightning, they can have stable returns.
So, in the long run, the net value of prudent bank wealth management is mostly upward, and it is not easy to lose money if held for a long time.
Once again, it is possible to diversify investment appropriately. Don't invest all your funds in a single wealth management product, but spread your funds across different wealth management products to reduce overall risk.
For example, if equity bank wealth management is purchased separately, the probability of losses is relatively high. But if most of the funds are invested in low-risk bank financing, and a small portion is invested in equity financing, the risk of losses can be greatly reduced, or even avoided.
If you are buying a stable bank wealth management, the probability of loss is already relatively low, and then diversifying investments can further reduce the possibility of loss. As long as funds are allocated reasonably, it is difficult to lose.
In short, although bank wealth management is not absolutely safe, as long as investors do not blindly pursue high returns, try to buy long-term products, and diversify their investments, they can minimize investment risks and avoid losses.